What we do
Psycho-educational evaluations are our specialty. There are various reasons for conducting psycho-educational evaluations, and these might include to determine eligibility for services and to inform appropriate education, to help develop instructional or behaviour plans for students, to identify significant mental health concerns, to identify learning or social-emotional-behavioural conditions, or to determine eligibility for gifted education supports.
About us
I have worked in private practice since 2008, as a School Psychologist with the Child Guidance Clinic of Winnipeg, and in various other public sector settings, including St. Amant Centre, Klinic Community Health, and Osborne House. My focus is on assessment and diagnosis of conditions such as Intellectual Disability, ADHD, FASD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Specific Learning Disorders, anxiety, and depression.
The benefits
Knowing more about a child’s condition is one of the first steps to helping that child succeed.
A psycho-educational evaluation can help a child get: access to treatments and programs that can help, post-secondary supports, as well as possible eligibility in social service programs.