
While fees for psychological services are set individually by practitioner, general guidelines are set by the Manitoba Psychological Society (MPS). Current fees for Psycho-educational Assessment are set at $215 per hour (some services having higher or flat fees). Fees apply to all time spent on an evaluation, including time spent:

  • In interviewing collaterals;

  • In direct contact for testing;

  • Reviewing documents provided to evaluation ;

  • Scoring tests and analyzing test data;

  • Report writing;

  • The feedback meeting to provide results of the assessment;

  • Any follow-up services or consultation.

The hours of service for psycho-educational assessment might look like:

  • Collateral/Intake interview (1 hour)

  • Observations, testing, and clinical interview with the student (2 to 8 hours depending on the nature of the concern)

  • Scoring (2 hours)

  • Data analysis (1 hour)

  • Feedback meeting (1 hour)

  • Report writing (3+ hours)

This is just a sample of the possible fee breakdown and gives a basic estimate. Total fees though are calculated on time in service and so can vary depending on the number of hours actually needed to conduct each activity. Total fees then might range from $2,000 on the lower end to over $3,200 on the upper end. On average though, fees for an evaluation are usually in the mid range between these ($2400).

Fee payment

Fees are generally paid at the time of service (unless arrangements have been made for flat fee or with third party payers). Services are generally rendered on three occasions, and would include the following fees on each date:

  • Collateral/Intake: 1 hour interview.

  • Test session: number of hours in testing, scoring, data analysis.

  • Feedback session: feedback meeting and remaining report writing fees.

It is important to note that reports are not released until fees are paid in full.

If you plan to submit receipts for reimbursement with a health benefits plan, please consider checking with your plan in advance as plans vary considerably and in some cases psycho-educational assessment fees may not be reimbursed by your plan. In this case, you might consider submitting your receipts for medical tax credit on your taxes.